

  1. directed toward the center (opposed to centrifugal).
  2. operating by centripetal force.
  3. Physiology. afferent.


  1. acting, moving, or tending to move towards a centreCompare centrifugal
  2. of, concerned with, or operated by centripetal force
  3. botany (esp of certain inflorescences) developing from the outside towards the centre
  4. physiol another word for afferent

1709, from Modern Latin, coined 1687 by Sir Isaac Newton (who wrote in Latin), from Latin centri- alternative comb. form of centrum “center” (see center (n.)) + petere “to make for, go to; seek, strive after” (see petition (n.)). Centripetal force is Newton’s vim … centripetam.


  1. Moving or directed toward a center or axis.
  2. Transmitting nerve impulses toward the central nervous system; afferent.

  1. Moving or directed toward a center or axis, particularly one around which an object is spinning.
  2. Transmitting nerve impulses toward the brain or spinal cord; afferent.
  3. Developing or progressing inward toward a center or axis, as in the growth of plant structures. For example, in the disk of the inflorescence of a sunflower, the florets near the edge open first, and the ones in the center last. Compare centrifugal.
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