

  1. the act of certifying.
  2. the state of being certified.
  3. a certified statement.
  4. the writing on the face of a check by which it is certified.
  5. Law. a certificate attesting the truth of some statement or event.


  1. the act of certifying or state of being certified
  2. law a document attesting the truth of a fact or statement

early 15c., “notification;” mid-15c., “demonstration, proof,” from Medieval Latin certificationem (nominative certificatio), noun of action from past participle stem of Late Latin certificare (see certify). Meaning “act of providing with a legal certificate” is from 1881.


  1. The reporting to health authorities of those diseases legally required to be reported.
  2. The attainment of board certification in a specialty.
  3. The court procedure by which a patient is committed to a mental institution.
  4. Involuntary mental hospitalization.
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