ceylon cinnamon


  1. See under cinnamon(def 1).


  1. the aromatic inner bark of any of several East Indian trees belonging to the genus Cinnamonum, of the laurel family, especially the bark of C. zeylanicum (Ceylon cinnamon), used as a spice, or that of C. loureirii (Saigon cinnamon), used in medicine as a cordial and carminative.
  2. a tree yielding such bark.
  3. any allied or similar tree.
  4. a common culinary spice of dried rolled strips of this bark, often made into a powder.
  5. cassia(def 1).
  6. a yellowish or reddish brown.


  1. (of food) containing or flavored with cinnamon.
  2. reddish-brown or yellowish-brown.


  1. a tropical Asian lauraceous tree, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, having aromatic yellowish-brown bark
  2. the spice obtained from the bark of this tree, used for flavouring food and drink
  3. Saigon cinnamon an E Asian lauraceous tree, Cinnamomum loureirii, the bark of which is used as a cordial and to relieve flatulence
  4. any of several similar or related trees or their barkSee cassia (def. 2)
    1. a light yellowish brown
    2. (as modifier)a cinnamon coat

late 14c., from Old French cinnamone (13c.), from Latin cinnamum, cinnamomum “cinnamon” (also used as a term of endearment), from Greek kinnamomon, from a Phoenician word akin to Hebrew qinnamon. Stripped from the bark of a tree in the avocado family. Ceylon cinnamon, the true cinnamon, is used in Britain, but American cinnamon is almost always from the related cassia tree of Southeast Asia and is stronger and sweeter.

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