

  1. Also cheese cake. a cake having a firm custardlike texture, made with cream cheese, cottage cheese, or both, and sometimes topped with a jamlike fruit mixture.
  2. Informal. Also called leg art. photographs featuring scantily clothed attractive women.


  1. a rich tart with a biscuit base, filled with a mixture of cream cheese, cream, sugar, and often sultanas, sometimes having a fruit topping
  2. slang women displayed for their sex appeal, as in photographs in magazines, newspapers, or filmsCompare beefcake

also cheese-cake, mid-15c., from cheese (n.1) + cake (n.). In figurative uses for “soft, effeminate” from 18c. Slang meaning dates from 1934, when a “Time” magazine article defined it as “leg-pictures of sporty females.” In its early years this sense of the word often was associated with Marlene Dietrich.

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