

  1. Chemistry.
    1. of or noting a heterocyclic compound having a central metallic ion attached by covalent bonds to two or more nonmetallic atoms in the same molecule.
    2. of or noting a compound having a cyclic structure resulting from the formation of one or more hydrogen bonds in the same molecule.
  2. Zoology. having a chela or chelae.


  1. Chemistry. a chelate compound.

verb (used without object), che·lat·ed, che·lat·ing. Chemistry.

  1. (of a heterocyclic compound) to react to form a chelate.
  2. (of a compound) to form a ring by forming one or more hydrogen bonds.

verb (used with object), che·lat·ed, che·lat·ing.

  1. Chemistry. to combine (an organic compound) with a metallic ion to form a chelate.


  1. chem a coordination compound in which a metal atom or ion is bound to a ligand at two or more points on the ligand, so as to form a heterocyclic ring containing a metal atom


  1. zoology of or possessing chelae
  2. chem of or denoting a chelate


  1. (intr) chem to form a chelate

“having pincer-like claws,” 1826 as a term in zoology; 1920 in chemistry, from Modern Latin chela “claw” (from Greek khele “claw, talon, cloven hoof;” see chelicerae) + -ate (2). Related: Chelated; chelating; chelation.


  1. A chemical compound in the form of a heterocyclic ring, containing a metal ion attached by coordinate bonds to at least two nonmetal ions.


  1. To combine a metal ion with a chemical compound to form a ring.
  2. To remove a heavy metal, such as lead or mercury, from the bloodstream by means of a chelate.

  1. A chemical compound in the form of a ring that contains a metal ion attached by coordinate bonds to at least two nonmetal ions. Many commercial dyes as well as important biological substances, such as chlorophyll and the heme of hemoglobin, are chelates.
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