
[ad_1] noun
  1. a wedgelike tool with a cutting edge at the end of the blade, often made of steel, used for cutting or shaping wood, stone, etc.
  2. chisel plow.
  3. (initial capital letter) Astronomy. the constellation Caelum.

verb (used with object), chis·eled, chis·el·ing or (especially British) chis·elled, chis·el·ling.

  1. to cut, shape, or fashion by or as if by carving with a chisel.
  2. to cheat or swindle (someone): He chiseled me out of fifty dollars.
  3. to get (something) by cheating or trickery: He chiseled fifty dollars out of me.

verb (used without object), chis·eled, chis·el·ing or (especially British) chis·elled, chis·el·ling.

  1. to work with a chisel.
  2. to trick; cheat.


  1. cut, shaped, etc., with a chisel: chiseled stone.
  2. sharply or clearly shaped; clear-cut: She has finely chiseled features.


  1. carved or formed with or as if with a chisel
  2. clear-cutfinely chiselled features


    1. a hand tool for working wood, consisting of a flat steel blade with a cutting edge attached to a handle of wood, plastic, etc. It is either struck with a mallet or used by hand
    2. a similar tool without a handle for working stone or metal

verb -els, -elling or -elled or US -els, -eling or -eled

  1. to carve (wood, stone, metal, etc) or form (an engraving, statue, etc) with or as with a chisel
  2. slang to cheat or obtain by cheating

early 14c., from Anglo-French cisel, Old French cisel “chisel,” in plural, “scissors, shears” (12c., Modern French ciseau), from Vulgar Latin *cisellum “cutting tool,” from Latin caesellum, diminutive of caesus, past participle of caedere “to cut” (see -cide). Related: Chiseled; chiseling.


c.1500, “to break with a chisel,” from chisel (n.). Slang sense of “to cheat, defraud” is first recorded in 1808 as chizzel; origin and connection to the older word are obscure (cf. slang sense of gouge); chiseler in this sense is from 1918. Related: Chiseled; chiseling.


“having sharp outlines,” 1821, figurative past participle adjective from chisel (v.).

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