

cholagogue [koh-luh-gawg, -gog, kol-uh-]Medicine/Medical ExamplesWord Origin adjective

  1. Also cho·la·gog·ic [koh-luh-goj-ik, kol-uh-] /ˌkoʊ ləˈgɒdʒ ɪk, ˌkɒl ə-/. promoting the flow of bile.


  1. a cholagogue agent.

Origin of cholagogue 1605–15; French Greek cholagōgós. See chol-, -agogue Examples from the Web for cholagogue Historical Examples of cholagogue

  • It might therefore be supposed that Colchicum too acted as a Cholagogue.

    The Action of Medicines in the System

    Frederick William Headland

  • On the skin its action is that of a diaphoretic, and being also excreted by the bile it acts slightly as a cholagogue.

    Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Slice 2


  • Cholagogue, kol′a-gog, n. a purgative causing evacuations of bile.

    Chambers’s Twentieth Century Dictionary (part 1 of 4: A-D)


  • A cholagogue, on the other hand, clears away a great quantity of bile, and the skin of patients so treated at once becomes clear.

    On the Natural Faculties


  • On the other hand, if you give him a cholagogue, you will produce an abundant evacuation and not injure him at all.

    On the Natural Faculties


  • British Dictionary definitions for cholagogue cholagogue noun

    1. a drug or other substance that promotes the flow of bile from the gall bladder into the duodenum

    Derived Formscholagogic, adjective cholagogue in Medicine cholagogue [kō′lə-gôg′] n.

    1. An agent that promotes the flow of bile into the intestine, especially as a result of contraction of the gallbladder.

    Related formscho′la•gog′ic (-gŏj′ĭk) adj. n.

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