

choroid [kawr-oid, kohr-]Anatomy ExamplesWord Origin adjective

  1. like the chorion; membranous.


  1. choroid coat.

Also cho·roi·dal, chorioid, chorioidal. Origin of choroid 1625–35; Greek choroeidḗs false reading for chorioeidḗs chorioid Related formspre·cho·roid, adjectivesub·cho·roid, adjectivesub·cho·roi·dal, adjective Examples from the Web for choroid Historical Examples of choroid

  • The comparison of the choroid plexus to a worm is very common.

    Studies in the History and Method of Science


  • This notch is the only rudiment of the choroid fissure of other types.

    The Works of Francis Maitland Balfour, Volume III (of 4)

    Francis Maitland Balfour

  • Lining the inner surface of the sclerotic is the second coat, the choroid.

    A Practical Physiology

    Albert F. Blaisdell

  • The whole structure is known as the tela vasculosa, or choroid plexus of the fourth ventricle (fig. 250, chd 4).

    The Works of Francis Maitland Balfour, Volume III (of 4)

    Francis Maitland Balfour

  • With reference to the choroid fissure we may state that its behaviour varies somewhat in the different types.

    The Works of Francis Maitland Balfour, Volume III (of 4)

    Francis Maitland Balfour

  • British Dictionary definitions for choroid choroid chorioid (ˈkɔːrɪˌɔɪd) adjective

    1. resembling the chorion, esp in being vascular


    1. the brownish vascular membrane of the eyeball between the sclera and the retina

    Word Origin for choroid C18: from Greek khoroeidēs, erroneously for khorioeidēs, from chorion Word Origin and History for choroid adj.

    1680s, from Latinized form of Greek khoroeides, a corruption of khorioeides, from khorion (see chorion) + eidos “resemblance” (see -oid).

    choroid in Medicine choroid [kôr′oid′] n.

    1. The dark-brown vascular coat of the eye between the sclera and the retina.


    1. Relating to the chorion or corium.

    choroid in Science choroid [kôr′oid′] Noun

    1. The dark-brown vascular coat of the eye between the sclera and the retina.


    1. Resembling the chorion; membranous.
    2. Relating to or involving the choroid of the eye.
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