chromonema [kroh-muh-nee-muh] Word Origin noun, plural chro·mo·ne·ma·ta [kroh-muh-nee-muh-tuh] /ˌkroʊ məˈni mə tə/. Genetics.
- a chromosome thread that is relatively uncoiled at early prophase but assumes a spiral form at metaphase.
Origin of chromonema 1920–25; chromo- + Greek nêma threadRelated formschro·mo·ne·mat·ic [kroh-muh-nuh-mat-ik, -nee-] /ˌkroʊ mə nəˈmæt ɪk, -ni-/, adjective British Dictionary definitions for chromonema chromonema noun plural -mata (-mətə) cytology
- the coiled mass of threads visible within a nucleus at the start of cell division
- a coiled chromatin thread within a single chromosome
Derived Formschromonemal, chromonematic (ˌkrəʊməʊnɪˈmætɪk) or chromonemic, adjectiveWord Origin for chromonema C20: from chromo- + Greek nēma thread, yarn chromonema in Medicine chromonema [krō′mə-nē′mə] n. pl. chro•mo•ne•ma•ta (-mə-tə)
- The coiled filament that extends the entire length of a chromosome and on which the genes are located.