

  1. a loud uproar, as from a crowd of people: the clamor of the crowd at the gates.
  2. a vehement expression of desire or dissatisfaction: the clamor of the proponents of the law.
  3. popular outcry: The senators could not ignore the clamor against higher taxation.
  4. any loud and continued noise: the clamor of traffic; the clamor of birds and animals in the zoo.

verb (used without object)

  1. to make a clamor; raise an outcry.

verb (used with object)

  1. to drive, force, influence, etc., by clamoring: The newspapers clamored him out of office.
  2. to utter noisily: They clamored their demands at the meeting.


  1. a loud persistent outcry, as from a large number of people
  2. a vehement expression of collective feeling or outragea clamour against higher prices
  3. a loud and persistent noisethe clamour of traffic


  1. (intr; often foll by for or against) to make a loud noise or outcry; make a public demandthey clamoured for attention
  2. (tr) to move, influence, or force by outcrythe people clamoured him out of office

chiefly British English spelling of clamor (q.v.); for spelling, see -or. Related: Clamoured; clamouring; clamourous.


late 14c., from Old French clamor “call, cry, appeal, outcry” (12c., Modern French clameur), from Latin clamor “a shout, a loud call” (either friendly or hostile), from clamare “to cry out” (see claim (v.)).


late 14c., from clamor (n.). Related: Clamored; clamoring.

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