
noun Movies.

  1. a small board with a hinged stick attached that is clapped down at the beginning of the filming of a shot for use later in synchronizing sound and image in the editing of the film.


  1. a pair of boards clapped together during film shooting in order to aid sound synchronization


    1. a long thin timber board with one edge thicker than the other, used esp in the US and Canada in wood-frame construction by lapping each board over the one below
    2. (as modifier)a clapboard house


  1. (tr) to cover with such boards

1520s, partial translation of Middle Dutch klapholt (borrowed into English late 14c. as clapholt), from klappen “to fit” + Low German holt “wood, board” (see holt). Cf. German Klappholz. Originally small boards of split oak, imported from northern Germany and cut by coopers to make barrel staves; the meaning “long, thin board used for roofing or to cover the exterior of wooden buildings” is from 1640s, American English.

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