

  1. Biology. breaking up into fragments or separate portions; dividing into parts.
  2. pertaining to an anatomical model made up of detachable pieces.
  3. Geology. noting or pertaining to rock or rocks composed of fragments or particles of older rocks or previously existing solid matter; fragmental.


  1. (of sedimentary rock, etc) composed of fragments of pre-existing rock that have been transported some distance from their points of origin
  2. biology dividing into partsa clastic cell
  3. able to be dismantled for study or observationa clastic model of the brain

“consisting of broken pieces,” 1875, in geology, from Latinized form of Greek klastos “broken in pieces,” from klan, klaein “to break,” from PIE *kla-, variant of root *kel- “to strike.”


  1. Breaking up into pieces or exhibiting a tendency to break or divide.
  2. Separable into parts or having removable sections, as an anatomical model.

  1. A rock fragment or grain resulting from the breakdown of larger rocks.
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