

comparison [kuhm-par-uh-suhn] SynonymsWord Origin noun

  1. the act of comparing.
  2. the state of being compared.
  3. a likening; illustration by similitude; comparative estimate or statement.
  4. Rhetoric. the considering of two things with regard to some characteristic that is common to both, as the likening of a hero to a lion in courage.
  5. capability of being compared or likened.
  6. Grammar.
    1. the function of an adverb or adjective that is used to indicate degrees of superiority or inferiority in quality, quantity, or intensity.
    2. the patterns of formation involved therein.
    3. the degrees of a particular word, displayed in a fixed order, as mild, milder, mildest, less mild, least mild.

Origin of comparison 1300–50; Middle English comparesoun Old French comparaison Latin comparātiōn- (stem of comparātiō). See compare, -ation Related formsin·ter·com·par·i·son, nounpre·com·par·i·son, nounre·com·par·i·son, nounSynonyms for comparison 5. likeness, resemblance, similarity. British Dictionary definitions for inter-comparison comparison noun

  1. the act or process of comparing
  2. the state of being compared
  3. comparable quality or qualities; likenessthere was no comparison between them
  4. a rhetorical device involving comparison, such as a simile
  5. Also called: degrees of comparison grammar the listing of the positive, comparative, and superlative forms of an adjective or adverb
  6. bear comparison or stand comparison to be sufficiently similar in class or range to be compared with (something else), esp favourably

Word Origin and History for inter-comparison comparison n.

mid-14c., from Old French comparaison (12c.), from Latin comparationem (nominative comparatio), noun of action from past participle stem of comparare “make equal with, liken, bring together for a contest,” literally “to couple together, to form in pairs,” from com- “with” (see com-) + parare “prepare” (see pare).

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