
interjection British Dialect.

  1. gor.

noun Chiefly British.

  1. the tenor oboe.
  2. the English horn.

noun, plural cor·di·a [kawr-dee-uh, kohr-] /ˈkɔr di ə, ˈkoʊr-/.

  1. (in prescriptions) the heart.

  1. variant of com- before r: correlate.

  1. corner.
  2. cornet.
  3. coroner.
  4. corpus.
  5. correct.
  6. corrected.
  7. correction.
  8. correlative.
  9. correspondence.
  10. correspondent.
  11. corresponding.

  1. Corinthians.
  2. Coroner.


  1. British slang an exclamation of surprise, amazement, or admiration

abbreviation for

  1. Corinthians

n. pl. cor•da (kôr)

  1. Heart.


  1. Variant ofcore-
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