
adjective Australian.

  1. sick or feeble.
  2. ill-humored; angry.
  3. out of order; functioning improperly.
  4. unsatisfactory; disappointing.


  1. a curved or hooked thing
  2. a staff with a hooked end, such as a bishop’s crosier or shepherd’s staff
  3. a turn or curve; bend
  4. informal a dishonest person, esp a swindler or thief
  5. the act or an instance of crooking or bending
  6. Also called: shank a piece of tubing added to a brass instrument in order to obtain a lower harmonic series


  1. to bend or curve or cause to bend or curve


  1. Australian and NZ informal
    1. ill
    2. of poor quality
    3. unpleasant; bad
  2. go crook or go off crook Australian and NZ informal to lose one’s temper
  3. go crook at or go crook on Australian and NZ informal to rebuke or upbraid

early 13c., “hook-shaped instrument or weapon,” from Old Norse krokr “hook, corner,” cognate with Old High German kracho “hooked tool,” of obscure origin but perhaps related to a widespread group of Germanic kr- words meaning “bent, hooked.” Meaning “swindler” is American English, 1879, from crooked in figurative sense of “dishonest” (1708). Crook “dishonest trick” was in Middle English.

In addition to the idioms beginning with crook

  • crook one’s elbow

also see:

  • by hook or crook
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