


  1. of, done, occurring, or issued each day or each weekday: daily attendance; a daily newspaper.
  2. computed or measured by the day: daily quota; a daily wage.

noun, plural dai·lies.

  1. a newspaper appearing each day or each weekday.
  2. dailies, Movies. a series of hastily printed shots from the previous day’s shooting, selected by the director to be viewed for possible inclusion in the final version of the film; rushes.
  3. British.
    1. a nonresident servant who comes to work every day; a permanently employed servant who sleeps out.
    2. a person employed to do cleaning or other household work by the day.


  1. every day; day by day: She phoned the hospital daily.


  1. of or occurring every day or every weekdaya daily paper
  2. earn one’s daily bread to earn one’s living
  3. the daily round the usual activities of one’s day

noun plural -lies

  1. a daily publication, esp a newspaper
  2. Also called: daily help British another name for a charwoman


  1. every day
  2. constantly; often

Old English dæglic (see day). This form is known from compounds: twadæglic “happening once in two days,” þreodæglic “happening once in three days;” the more usual Old English word was dæghwamlic, also dægehwelc. Cognate with German täglich.

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