


  1. a particular month, day, and year at which some event happened or will happen: July 4, 1776 was the date of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.
  2. the day of the month: Is today’s date the 7th or the 8th?
  3. an inscription on a writing, coin, etc., that shows the time, or time and place, of writing, casting, delivery, etc.: a letter bearing the date January 16.
  4. the time or period to which any event or thing belongs; period in general: at a late date.
  5. the time during which anything lasts; duration: The pity is that childhood has so short a date.
  6. an appointment for a particular time: They have a date with their accountant at ten o’clock.
  7. a social appointment or engagement arranged beforehand with another person, especially when a romantic relationship exists or may develop: to go out on a Saturday night date.
  8. a person with whom one has such a social appointment or engagement: Can I bring a date to the party?
  9. an engagement for an entertainer to perform.
  10. dates, the birth and death dates, usually in years, of a person: Dante’s dates are 1265 to 1321.

verb (used without object), dat·ed, dat·ing.

  1. to have or bear a date: The letter dates from 1873.
  2. to belong to a particular period; have its origin: That dress dates from the 19th century. The architecture dates as far back as 1830.
  3. to reckon from some point in time: The custom dates from the days when women wore longer skirts.
  4. to go out socially on dates: She dated a lot during high school.

verb (used with object), dat·ed, dat·ing.

  1. to mark or furnish with a date: Please date the check as of today.
  2. to ascertain or fix the period or point in time of; assign a period or point in time to: The archaeologist dated the ruins as belonging to the early Minoan period.
  3. to show the age of; show to be old-fashioned.
  4. to make a date with; go out on dates with: He’s been dating his best friend’s sister.

  1. to date, up to the present time; until now: This is his best book to date.
  2. up to date, in agreement with or inclusive of the latest information; modern: Bring us up to date on the news.


  1. the oblong, fleshy fruit of the date palm, a staple food in northern Africa, Arabia, etc., and an important export.


  1. a specified day of the monthtoday’s date is October 27
  2. the particular day or year of an eventthe date of the Norman Conquest was 1066
  3. (plural) the years of a person’s birth and death or of the beginning and end of an event or period
  4. an inscription on a coin, letter, etc, stating when it was made or written
    1. an appointment for a particular time, esp with a person to whom one is sexually or romantically attachedshe has a dinner date
    2. the person with whom the appointment is made
  5. the present moment; now (esp in the phrases to date, up to date)


  1. (tr) to mark (a letter, coin, etc) with the day, month, or year
  2. (tr) to assign a date of occurrence or creation to
  3. (intr; foll by from or back to) to have originated (at a specified time)his decline dates from last summer
  4. (tr) to reveal the age ofthat dress dates her
  5. to make or become old-fashionedsome good films hardly date at all
  6. informal, mainly US and Canadian
    1. to be a boyfriend or girlfriend of (someone of the opposite sex)
    2. to accompany (a member of the opposite sex) on a date


  1. the fruit of the date palm, having sweet edible flesh and a single large woody seed
  2. short for date palm

“time,” early 14c., from Old French date (13c.) “date, day; time,” from Medieval Latin data, noun use of fem. singular of Latin datus “given,” past participle of dare “to give, grant, offer,” from PIE root *do- “to give” (cf. Sanskrit dadati “gives,” danam “offering, present;” Old Persian dadatuv “let him give,” Old Church Slavonic dati “give,” dani “tribute;” Latin donum “gift;” Greek didomi, didonai, “to give, offer,” doron “gift;” Lithuanian duonis “gift,” Old Irish dan “gift, endowment, talent,” Welsh dawn “gift”).

The Roman convention of closing every article of correspondence by writing “given” and the day and month — meaning perhaps “given to messenger” — led to data becoming a term for “the time (and place) stated.” (a Roman letter would include something along the lines of datum Romae pridie Kalendas Maias — “given at Rome on the last day of April.”


the fruit, late 13c., from Old French date, from Old Provençal datil, from Latin dactylus, from Greek daktylos “date,” originally “finger, toe;” so called because of fancied resemblance between oblong fruit of the date palm and human digits. Possibly from a Semitic source (cf. Hebrew deqel, Aramaic diqla, Arabic daqal “date palm”) and assimilated to the Greek word for “finger.”


“liaison,” 1885, gradually evolving from date (n.1) in its general sense of “appointment;” romantic sense by 1890s. Meaning “person one has a date with” is from 1925.


“have a romantic liaison;” 1902, from date (n.3). Related: Dated; dating.


“to mark (a document) with the date,” late 14c., from date (n.1). Meaning “to assign to or indicate a date” (of an event) is from c.1400. Meaning “to mark as old-fashioned” is from 1895. Related: Dated; dating.

In addition to the idiom beginning with date

  • date rape

also see

  • bring up to date
  • double date
  • make a date
  • out of date
  • to date
  • up to date
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