

  1. the act of deflating or the state of being deflated.
  2. Economics. a fall in the general price level or a contraction of credit and available money (opposed to inflation).Compare disinflation.
  3. the erosion of sand, soil, etc., by the action of the wind.


  1. the act of deflating or state of being deflated
  2. economics a reduction in the level of total spending and economic activity resulting in lower levels of output, employment, investment, trade, profits, and pricesCompare disinflation
  3. geology the removal of loose rock material, sand, and dust by the wind

1891, “release of air,” from deflate + -ion. In reference to currency or economic situations, from 1920.

  1. The lifting and removal of fine, dry particles of silt, soil, and sand by the wind. Deflation is common in deserts and in coastal areas that have sand dunes.

A decrease in prices, often stated as an increase in the value of money, related to a decline in spending by consumers. (Compare inflation.)

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