


  1. a person or thing that demonstrates.
  2. Also demonstrant. a person who takes part in a public demonstration, as by marching or picketing.
  3. a person who explains orteaches by practical demonstrations.
  4. a person who exhibits the use and application of (a product, service, etc.) to a prospective customer.
  5. the product, device, machine, etc., actually used in demonstrations to purchasers or prospective customers: They sold the demonstrator at half price.


  1. a person who demonstrates equipment, machines, products, etc
  2. a person who takes part in a public demonstration
  3. a piece of merchandise, such as a car that one test-drives, used to display merits or performance to prospective buyers

1610s, “one who points out,” agent noun in Latin form from demonstrate. From 1680s as “one who uses exhibits as a method of teaching;” 1870 as “one who participates in public demonstrations.”

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