


  1. Petrology, Mineralogy.
    1. a branching figure or marking, resembling moss or a shrub or tree in form, found on or in certain stones or minerals due to the presence of a foreign material.
    2. any arborescent crystalline growth.
  2. Anatomy. the branching process of a neuron that conducts impulses toward the cell.


  1. Also called: dendron any of the short branched threadlike extensions of a nerve cell, which conduct impulses towards the cell body
  2. a branching mosslike crystalline structure in some rocks and minerals
  3. a crystal that has branched during growth and has a treelike form

mid-18c., from Greek dendrites “of or pertaining to a tree,” from dendron “tree” (see dendro-). The mineral so called for its markings.


  1. Any of the various branched protoplasmic extensions of a nerve cell that conducts impulses from adjacent cells inward toward the cell body.dendritic process dendron neurodendrite neurodendron

  1. Any of several parts branching from the body of a neuron that receive and transmit nerve impulses.
  2. A mineral that has a branching crystal pattern. Dendrites often form within or on the surface of other minerals and often consist of manganese oxides.
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