verb (used without object), de·vi·at·ed, de·vi·at·ing.
- to turn aside, as from a route, way, course, etc.
- to depart or swerve, as from a procedure, course of action, or acceptable norm.
- to digress, as from a line of thought or reasoning.
verb (used with object), de·vi·at·ed, de·vi·at·ing.
- to cause to swerve; turn aside.
- characterized by deviation or departure from an accepted norm or standard, as of behavior.
- a person or thing that departs from the accepted norm or standard.
- a person whose sexual behavior departs from the norm in a way that is considered socially or morally unacceptable.
- Statistics. a variable equal to the difference between a variate and some fixed value, often the mean.
verb (ˈdiːvɪˌeɪt)
- (usually intr) to differ or diverge or cause to differ or diverge, as in belief or thought
- (usually intr) to turn aside or cause to turn aside; diverge or cause to diverge
- (intr) psychol to depart from an accepted standard or convention
noun, adjective (ˈdiːvɪɪt)
- another word for deviant
1630s, from Late Latin deviatus, past participle of deviare “to turn out of the way” (see deviant). Related: Deviated; deviating. The noun meaning “sexual pervert” is attested from 1912.