
adjective Optics.

  1. turning to the right, as the rotation to the right of the plane of polarization of light in certain crystals and the like. Symbol: d-


  1. a rotation to the right; clockwise rotation, esp of the plane of polarization of plane-polarized light passing through a crystal, liquid, or solution, as seen by an observer facing the oncoming lightCompare laevorotation


  1. Turning or rotating the plane of polarization of light to the right or clockwise, as for solutions or isomers, usually designated as d- in chemical names.

  1. The clockwise rotation of the plane of polarization of light (as observed when looking straight into the incoming light) by certain substances, such as crystals, and by certain solutions. Dextrorotation is caused by a particular arrangement of the atoms in a molecule of the substance. Compare levorotation.

  1. Relating to a substance that causes dextrorotation.
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