< /daɪˈæl əˌsiz/.
- Physical Chemistry. the separation of crystalloids from colloids in a solution by diffusion through a membrane.
- Biochemistry. the separation of large molecules, as proteins, from small molecules and ions in a solution by allowing the latter to pass through a semipermeable membrane.
- Medicine/Medical. (in kidney disease) the process by which uric acid and urea are removed from circulating blood by means of a dialyzer.
verb (used with object), di·a·lyzed, di·a·lyz·ing.
- to subject to dialysis; separate or procure by dialysis.
verb (used without object), di·a·lyzed, di·a·lyz·ing.
- to undergo dialysis.
noun plural -ses (-ˌsiːz)
- the separation of small molecules from large molecules and colloids in a solution by the selective diffusion of the small molecules through a semipermeable membrane
- med See haemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis
1580s, from Latin, from Greek dialysis “dissolution, separation” (of the disbanding of troops, a divorce, etc.), from dialyein “dissolve, separate,” from dia- “apart” + lyein “loosen” (see lose). Used originally in logic and grammar; chemistry sense is first recorded 1861, medicine 1914. Related: Dialytic.
n. pl. di•al•y•ses (-sēz′)
- The separation of smaller molecules from larger molecules or of dissolved substances from colloidal particles in a solution by selective diffusion through a semipermeable membrane.diffusion
- Hemodialysis.
- To subject to or undergo dialysis or hemodialysis.
- The separation of the smaller molecules in a solution from the larger molecules by passing the solution through a membrane that does not allow the large molecules to pass through.
- A medical procedure in which this technique of molecular separation is used to remove metabolic waste products or toxic substances from the blood. Dialysis is required for individuals with severe kidney failure.
The separation of large molecules from small molecules by passage through a membrane.