
adjective Physics.

  1. of or relating to a class of substances, as bismuth and copper, whose permeability is less than that of a vacuum: in a magnetic field, their induced magnetism is in a direction opposite to that of iron.


  1. the phenomenon exhibited by substances that have a relative permeability less than unity and a negative susceptibility. It is caused by the orbital motion of electrons in the atoms of the material and is unaffected by temperatureCompare ferromagnetism, paramagnetism


  1. of, exhibiting, or concerned with diamagnetism

  1. The property of being repelled by both poles of a magnet. Most substances commonly considered to be nonmagnetic, such as water, are actually diamagnetic. Though diamagnetism is a very weak effect compared with ferromagnetism and paramagnetism, it can be used to levitate objects. Compare ferromagnetism paramagnetism. See also Lenz’s law.
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