

  1. any plant belonging to the genus Digitalis, of the figwort family, especially the common foxglove, D. purpurea.
  2. the dried leaves of the foxglove, Digitalis purpurea, used in medicine as a heart stimulant.

verb (used with object), dig·i·tal·ized, dig·i·tal·iz·ing.

  1. Medicine/Medical. to treat (a person) with a regimen of digitalis.
  2. Computers. to digitize.


  1. any Eurasian scrophulariaceous plant of the genus Digitalis, such as the foxglove, having bell-shaped flowers and a basal rosette of leaves
    1. a drug prepared from the dried leaves or seeds of the foxglove: a mixture of glycosides used medicinally to treat heart failure and some abnormal heart rhythms
    2. any cardiac glycoside, whatever its origin

verb (tr)

  1. to administer digitoxin or digoxin to (a patient) for the treatment of certain heart disorders
  2. another word for digitize

1660s, Modern Latin translation of German fingerhut, the German name of “foxglove,” literally “thimble.” Named by Fuchs (1542), and so called for its shape. The medicine (originally extracted from the plant) is so called from 1799.


  1. A plant of the genus Digitalis, which includes the foxgloves, several species of which are a source of cardioactive steroid glycosides used in the treatment of certain heart diseases.
  2. A pharmaceutical prepared from the seeds and dried leaves of the purple foxglove, Digitalis purpurea, and prescribed as a cardiac stimulant in the treatment of congestive heart failure and other disorders of the heart.

  1. A drug prepared from the seeds and dried leaves of the purple foxglove, Digitalis purpurea, and prescribed as a cardiac stimulant in the treatment of congestive heart failure and other disorders of the heart.
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