
noun, plural di·plo·mas, Latin di·plo·ma·ta [dih-ploh-muh-tuh] /dɪˈploʊ mə tə/.

  1. a document given by an educational institution conferring a degree on a person or certifying that the person has satisfactorily completed a course of study.
  2. a document conferring some honor, privilege, or power.
  3. a public or official document, especially one of historical interest: a diploma from Carolingian times.

verb (used with object), di·plo·maed, di·plo·ma·ing.

  1. to grant or award a diploma to.


  1. a document conferring a qualification, recording success in examinations or successful completion of a course of study
  2. an official document that confers an honour or privilege

1640s, “state paper, official document,” from Latin diploma, from Greek diploma “license, chart,” originally “paper folded double,” from diploun “to double, fold over,” from diploos “double” (see diploid) + -oma. Specific academic sense is 1680s in English.

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