

  1. an act or instance of discussing; consideration or examination by argument, comment, etc., especially to explore solutions; informal debate.


  1. the examination or consideration of a matter in speech or writing

mid-14c., “examination, investigation, judicial trial,” from Old French discussion “discussion, examination, investigation, legal trial,” from Late Latin discussionem (nominative discussio) “examination, discussion,” in classical Latin, “a shaking,” from discussus, past participle of discutere “strike asunder, break up,” from dis- “apart” (see dis-) + quatere “to shake” (see quash). Meaning “a talking over, debating” in English first recorded mid-15c. Sense evolution in Latin appears to have been from “smash apart” to “scatter, disperse,” then in post-classical times (via the mental process involved) to “investigate, examine,” then to “debate.”

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