


  1. an act or instance of dominating.
  2. rule or sway; control, often arbitrary.
  3. dominations, Theology. one of the nine orders of celestial attendants of God.Compare angel(def 1).

pl n

  1. (sometimes capital) the fourth order of medieval angelologyAlso called: dominions


  1. the act of dominating or state of being dominated
  2. authority; rule; control

late 14c., “rule, control,” from Old French dominacion (12c.) “domination, rule, power,” from Latin dominationem (nominative dominatio), noun of action from past participle stem of dominari “to rule, have dominion over,” from dominus “lord, master,” literally “master of the house,” from domus “home” (see domestic) + -nus, suffix denoting ownership or relation. Sexual sense by 1961.

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