

double-bank [duhb-uh l-bangk] ExamplesWord Origin verb (used with object) Nautical.

  1. to have two rowers pull (each of a number of oars).
  2. to have people pull (a rope) from both sides.
  3. to row (a boat) with rowers for both sides on each thwart.

Origin of double-bank First recorded in 1825–35 Examples from the Web for double-bank Historical Examples of double-bank

  • I will corrupt the organist, bribe the choir, double-bank the preacher in advance, and we will all have a rousing time.

    The Wedge of Gold

    C. C. Goodwin

  • British Dictionary definitions for double-bank double-bank verb

    1. Australian and NZ informal to carry a second person on (a horse, bicycle, etc)Also: dub
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