double rhyme

double rhyme

double rhyme Examples noun

  1. See under feminine rhyme.

feminine rhyme noun Prosody.

  1. a rhyme either of two syllables of which the second is unstressed (double rhyme), as in motion, notion, or of three syllables of which the second and third are unstressed (triple rhyme), as in fortunate, importunate.

Origin of feminine rhyme First recorded in 1865–70 Also called female rhyme. Examples from the Web for double rhyme Historical Examples of double rhyme

  • He is not satisfied, ample as it may seem, with his double-rhyme harmony.

    The Flourishing of Romance and the Rise of Allegory

    George Saintsbury

  • British Dictionary definitions for double rhyme feminine rhyme noun

    1. prosody a rhyme between words in which one, two, or more unstressed syllables follow a stressed one, as in elation, nation or merrily, verilyCompare masculine rhyme
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