

dovetailed [duhv-teyld] ExamplesWord Origin adjective Heraldry.

  1. noting a partition line or a charge, as an ordinary, having a series of indentations suggesting dovetails.

Origin of dovetailed First recorded in 1715–25; dovetail + -ed3 dovetail [duhv-teyl] noun Carpentry.

  1. a tenon broader at its end than at its base; pin.
  2. a joint formed of one or more such tenons fitting tightly within corresponding mortises.

verb (used with or without object)

  1. Carpentry. to join or fit together by means of a dovetail or dovetails.
  2. to join or fit together compactly or harmoniously.

Origin of dovetail First recorded in 1555–65; so named from its shapeRelated formsdove·tail·er, noun Related Words for dovetailed harmonize, conform, coincide, jibe, correspond, accord, square, join, tally, unite, interlock, go, agree, match, mortise, sync, tenon Examples from the Web for dovetailed Contemporary Examples of dovetailed

  • The cellphone use among pedestrians has dovetailed insidiously with hyper-gentrification, Moss says.

    The End of New York: How One Blog Tracks the Disappearance of a Vibrant City

    Tim Teeman

    August 6, 2014

  • “I think the Old-Fashioned craze has also dovetailed with a lot of drinkers coming back to whiskey,” Simonson says.

    The Rise and Fall…and Rise Again of the Old-Fashioned

    Allison McNearney

    June 14, 2014

  • Obama’s message was narrowly about peace, but it dovetailed with Molad’s.

    Meet The Israeli Left’s New Ideas Factory

    Ali Gharib

    April 18, 2013

  • The segment was called “Swinging in the Suburbs,” and it dovetailed with a Newsweek cover story I wrote on unfaithful women.

    The Hole in Our Lives

    Lorraine Ali

    November 20, 2009

  • Historical Examples of dovetailed

  • It is designed to make the dovetailed tongue as well as the groove.

    Carpentry for Boys

    J. S. Zerbe

  • The dovetailed ties are just as sound now as on the day of their insertion.

    Harper’s Young People, June 1, 1880


  • I have never been able to understand how every bit has dovetailed with such exactness.

    The Blind Spot

    Austin Hall

  • Away with the mechanism of the polished, dovetailed, machine-made play of Dumas.


    James Huneker

  • We had cut across the 180th meridian, where time is dovetailed.

    The Pacific Triangle

    Sydney Greenbie

  • British Dictionary definitions for dovetailed dovetail noun

    1. a wedge-shaped tenon
    2. Also called: dovetail joint a joint containing such tenons


    1. (tr) to join by means of dovetails
    2. to fit or cause to fit together closely or neatlyhe dovetailed his arguments to the desired conclusion

    Word Origin and History for dovetailed dovetail

    late 16c. (n.), 1650s (v.), from dove (n.) + tail. So called from resemblance of shape in the tenon or mortise of the joints to that of the bird’s tailfeather display. Related: Dovetailed.

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