


  1. every one of two or more considered individually or one by one: each stone in a building; a hallway with a door at each end.


  1. every one individually; each one: Each had a different solution to the problem.


  1. to, from, or for each; apiece: They cost a dollar each.


    1. every (one) of two or more considered individuallyeach day; each person
    2. (as pronoun)each gave according to his ability


  1. for, to, or from each one; apiecefour apples each
adj., pron.

Old English ælc “any, all, every, each (one), short for a-gelic “ever alike,” from a “ever” (see aye (2)) + gelic “alike” (see like (adj.)).

From a common West Germanic expression *aiwo galika (cf. Dutch elk, Old Frisian ellik, Old High German iogilih, German jeglich “each, every”). Originally used as we now use every (which is a compound of each) or all; modern use is by influence of Latin quisque. Modern spelling appeared late 1500s. Also cf. ilk, which.

In addition to the idioms beginning with each

  • each and every one
  • each other

also see:

  • at each other’s throats
  • made for (each other)
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