


  1. of, relating to, or characterized by ecstasy or a state of sudden, intense, overpowering emotion: an ecstatic frenzy; ecstatic cheering for the winning team.
  2. subject to or in a state of ecstasy; full of joy; rapturous: They are absolutely ecstatic about their new baby.


  1. a person subject to fits of ecstasy: The author, a known ecstatic, could write only in fits of rage or glee.

pl n

  1. fits of delight or rapture


  1. in a trancelike state of great rapture or delight
  2. showing or feeling great enthusiasmecstatic applause


  1. a person who has periods of intense trancelike joy

1590s, “mystically absorbed, stupefied,” from Greek ekstatikos “unstable,” from ekstasis (see ecstatic). Meaning “characterized by intense emotions” is from 1660s, now usually pleasurable ones, but not originally always so. Related: Ecstatical; ecstatically.

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