edward jenner


  1. Edward,1749–1823, English physician: discoverer of smallpox vaccine.
  2. Sir William,1815–98, English physician and pathologist.


  1. Edward 1749–1823, English physician, who discovered vaccination by showing that injections of cowpox virus produce immunity against smallpox (1796)
  2. Sir William. 1815–98, English physician and pathologist, who differentiated between typhus and typhoid fevers (1849)

  1. British physician and vaccination pioneer who found that smallpox could be prevented by inoculation with the substance from cowpox lesions.

  1. British physician who pioneered the practice of vaccination. His experiments proved that individuals who had been inoculated with the virus that caused cowpox, a mild skin disease of cattle, became immune to smallpox. Jenner’s discovery laid the foundations for the science of immunology.
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