

  1. the state of being embarrassed; disconcertment; abashment.
  2. an act or instance of embarrassing.
  3. something that embarrasses.
  4. an overwhelmingly excessive amount; overabundance: an embarrassment of riches.
  5. the state of being in financial difficulties.
  6. Medicine/Medical. impairment of functioning associated with disease: respiratory embarrassment.


  1. the state of being embarrassed
  2. something that embarrasses
  3. a financial predicament
  4. an excessive amount; superfluity

1670s, “state of being impeded, obstructed, entangled” (of affairs, etc.), from embarrass + -ment, or from French embarrassement, from embarrasser.

As “a mental state of unease,” from 1774. Meaning “thing which embarrasses” is from 1729. Earlier words expressing much the same idea include baishment “embarrassment, confusion” (late 14c.); baishednesse (mid-15c.).

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