

  1. proceeding from within; derived internally.
  2. Biology. growing or developing from within; originating within.
  3. Pathology. (of a disease) resulting from conditions within the organism rather than externally caused.
  4. Biochemistry. pertaining to the metabolism of nitrogenous elements of cells and tissues.
  5. Geology. endogenetic.


  1. biology developing or originating within an organism or part of an organismendogenous rhythms
  2. having no apparent external causeendogenous depression

1830, from endo- “within” + -genous “producing.”


  1. Originating or produced within an organism, tissue, or cell.
  2. Caused by factors within the body. Used of a disease.

  1. Originating or produced within an organism, tissue, or cell. Compare exogenous.
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