

euphoria [yoo-fawr-ee-uh, -fohr-] Word Origin noun

  1. a state of intense happiness and self-confidence: She was flooded with euphoria as she went to the podium to receive her Student Research Award.
  2. Psychology. a feeling of happiness, confidence, or well-being sometimes exaggerated in pathological states as mania.

Origin of euphoria 1880–85; New Latin Greek euphoría state of well-being. See eu-, -phore, -ia Related formseu·phor·ic [yoo-fawr-ik, -for-] /yuˈfɔr ɪk, -ˈfɒr-/, adjectiveeu·phor·i·cal·ly, adverb euphoric [yoo-fawr-ik, -for-] adjective

  1. intensely happy or confident: She was euphoric when she received the Oscar.
  2. Psychology. in a state of happy and confident well-being sometimes exaggerated in pathological states as mania.

Origin of euphoric euphor(ia) + -ic Related formseu·phor·i·cal·ly, adverb British Dictionary definitions for euphorically euphoria noun

  1. a feeling of great elation, esp when exaggerated

Derived Formseuphoric (juːˈfɒrɪk), adjectiveWord Origin for euphoria C19: from Greek: good ability to endure, from eu- + pherein to bear Word Origin and History for euphorically euphoria n.

1727, a physician’s term for “condition of feeling healthy and comfortable (especially when sick),” medical Latin, from Greek euphoria “power of enduring easily,” from euphoros, literally “bearing well,” from eu “well” (see eu-) + pherein “to carry” (see infer). Non-technical use, now the main one, dates to 1882 and is perhaps a reintroduction.

euphoric adj.

1888, with reference to hashish, from euphoria + -ic. The noun meaning “a drug which causes euphoria” is from 1934.

euphorically in Medicine euphoria [yōō-fôr′ē-ə] n.

  1. A feeling of great happiness or well-being, commonly exaggerated and not necessarily well founded.
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