euthenics [yoo-then-iks] ExamplesWord Origin noun (used with a singular verb)
- a science concerned with bettering the condition of human beings through the improvement of their environment.
Origin of euthenics 1900–05; Greek euthēn(eîn) to be well off, prosper + -ics Related formseu·then·ist [yoo-then-ist, yoo-thuh-nist] /yuˈθɛn ɪst, ˈyu θə nɪst/, noun Examples from the Web for euthenics Historical Examples of euthenics
Euthenics precedes eugenics, developing better men now, and thus inevitably creating a better race of men in the future.
Euthenics, the science of controllable environment
Ellen H. Richards
Euthenics is the term proposed for the preliminary science on which Eugenics must be based.
Euthenics, the science of controllable environment
Ellen H. Richards
In another hundred years, then, Euthenics may give place to Eugenics, and the better race of men become an actuality.
Euthenics, the science of controllable environment
Ellen H. Richards
In this sense, euthenics and eugenics bear the same relation to human progress as a man’s two legs do to his locomotion.
Paul Popenoe and Roswell Hill Johnson
The moment of conception is the point at which eugenics gives place to euthenics.
Paul Popenoe and Roswell Hill Johnson
British Dictionary definitions for euthenics euthenics noun
- (functioning as singular) the study of the control of the environment, esp with a view to improving the health and living standards of the human race
Derived Formseuthenist, nounWord Origin for euthenics C20: from Greek euthēnein to thrive euthenics in Medicine euthenics [yōō-thĕn′ĭks] n.
- The science concerned with establishing the optimum living conditions for plants, animals, or humans, especially through proper provisioning and environment.