

euthenics [yoo-then-iks] ExamplesWord Origin noun (used with a singular verb)

  1. a science concerned with bettering the condition of human beings through the improvement of their environment.

Origin of euthenics 1900–05; Greek euthēn(eîn) to be well off, prosper + -ics Related formseu·then·ist [yoo-then-ist, yoo-thuh-nist] /yuˈθɛn ɪst, ˈyu θə nɪst/, noun Examples from the Web for euthenics Historical Examples of euthenics

  • Euthenics precedes eugenics, developing better men now, and thus inevitably creating a better race of men in the future.

    Euthenics, the science of controllable environment

    Ellen H. Richards

  • Euthenics is the term proposed for the preliminary science on which Eugenics must be based.

    Euthenics, the science of controllable environment

    Ellen H. Richards

  • In another hundred years, then, Euthenics may give place to Eugenics, and the better race of men become an actuality.

    Euthenics, the science of controllable environment

    Ellen H. Richards

  • In this sense, euthenics and eugenics bear the same relation to human progress as a man’s two legs do to his locomotion.

    Applied Eugenics

    Paul Popenoe and Roswell Hill Johnson

  • The moment of conception is the point at which eugenics gives place to euthenics.

    Applied Eugenics

    Paul Popenoe and Roswell Hill Johnson

  • British Dictionary definitions for euthenics euthenics noun

    1. (functioning as singular) the study of the control of the environment, esp with a view to improving the health and living standards of the human race

    Derived Formseuthenist, nounWord Origin for euthenics C20: from Greek euthēnein to thrive euthenics in Medicine euthenics [yōō-thĕn′ĭks] n.

    1. The science concerned with establishing the optimum living conditions for plants, animals, or humans, especially through proper provisioning and environment.
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