evangelize [ih-van-juh-lahyz] ExamplesWord Origin verb (used with object), e·van·ge·lized, e·van·ge·liz·ing.
- to preach the gospel to.
- to convert to Christianity.
verb (used without object), e·van·ge·lized, e·van·ge·liz·ing.
- to preach the gospel; act as an evangelist.
Also especially British, e·van·ge·lise. Origin of evangelize 1350–1400; Middle English evangelisen Late Latin evangelizāre Late Greek euangelízein. See evangel1, -ize Related formse·van·ge·li·za·tion, noune·van·ge·liz·er, nounun·e·van·ge·lized, adjective Examples from the Web for evangelise Historical Examples of evangelise
My business seems to be to evangelise,—to be a Presbyter at large.
The Life of the Rev. George Whitefield, Volume I (of 2)
Luke Tyerman
The way to root out the slave trade is to evangelise the slave trader.
Samuel M. Zwemer
And it is this virtue which God uses as His main witness, as His chief instrument, to evangelise the world.
Expositor’s Bible: The Second Epistle to the Corinthians
James Denney
It was in 1219 that St. Francis sent his disciples out to evangelise the world.
The Rise of the Mediaeval Church
Alexander Clarence Flick
Bernardino determined by God’s help to evangelise his country, and to rescue souls from evil by the winning power of love.
Katharine S. (Katharine Sarah) Macquoid
British Dictionary definitions for evangelise evangelize evangelise verb
- to preach the Christian gospel or a particular interpretation of it (to)
- (intr) to advocate a cause with the object of making converts
Derived Formsevangelization or evangelisation, nounevangelizer or evangeliser, noun Word Origin and History for evangelise evangelize v.
late 14c., from Old French evangeliser “to spread or preach the Gospel,” and directly from Medieval Latin or Late Latin evangelizare, from Greek euangelizesthai (see evangelist). Related: Evangelized; evangelizing; evangelization.