every one

every one

every one pronoun

  1. each person or thing in a group, without exceptionevery one of the large cats is a fast runner

Related Words for every one anybody, people, everybody, one, generality, masses, populace, Everyman Examples from the Web for every one Historical Examples of every one

  • We expect you to be good friends with every-one, and shake hands with all you meet.

    Through the Mackenzie Basin

    Charles Mair

  • Then every-one began making them, too often from unsuitable negatives, and they fell into disrepute.

    Bromide Printing and Enlarging

    John A. Tennant

  • He had an ill-word for every-one and was an evil-tongued, foul-mouthed, self-pleasing and dull-witted mannikin.

    The Bbur-nma in English

    Babur, Emperor of Hindustan

  • What happened with his sons, the soldiers and the town was that every-one pursued vice and pleasure to excess.

    The Bbur-nma in English

    Babur, Emperor of Hindustan

  • This came as a pleasure to every-one; the Turk and Hind amrs gladly accepted his views; he was appointed for the East.

    The Bbur-nma in English

    Babur, Emperor of Hindustan

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