

eviscerate [verb ih-vis-uh-reyt; adjective ih-vis-er-it, -uh-reyt] ExamplesWord Origin verb (used with object), e·vis·cer·at·ed, e·vis·cer·at·ing.

  1. to remove the entrails from; disembowel: to eviscerate a chicken.
  2. to deprive of vital or essential parts: The censors eviscerated the book to make it inoffensive to the leaders of the party.
  3. Surgery. to remove the contents of (a body organ).

Origin of eviscerate 1600–10; Latin ēviscerātus, past participle of ēviscerāre to deprive of entrails, tear to pieces, equivalent to ē- e-1 + viscer(a) viscera + -ātus -ate1 Related formse·vis·cer·a·tion, noune·vis·cer·a·tor, nounun·e·vis·cer·at·ed, adjective Related Words for eviscerates gut, weaken, devitalize Examples from the Web for eviscerates Contemporary Examples of eviscerates

  • Of course, the fact that Tris faces and eviscerates her own anxiety lends the simulation scene a veneer of victory and autonomy.

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  • Also, I adore the devastating footnotes, wherein he eviscerates (decorously) his wayward predecessor, Andrew Field.

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  • Ideological polarization, however, eviscerates the center by treating compromise as a sellout.

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  • Michael Moynihan eviscerates the left-wing apologetics that appear in popular travel guides.

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  • It cheats and it sweats and it eviscerates and procrastinates and it comes up pathetically short in almost every area.

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  • Historical Examples of eviscerates

  • It falls upon the tiny Crickets, eviscerates them, and devours them with frantic greed.

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  • British Dictionary definitions for eviscerates eviscerate verb

    1. (tr) to remove the internal organs of; disembowel
    2. (tr) to deprive of meaning or significance
    3. (tr) surgery to remove the contents of (the eyeball or other organ)
    4. (intr) surgery (of the viscera) to protrude through a weakened abdominal incision after an operation


    1. having been disembowelled

    Derived Formsevisceration, nouneviscerator, nounWord Origin for eviscerate C17: from Latin ēviscerāre to disembowel, from viscera entrails Word Origin and History for eviscerates eviscerate v.

    c.1600 (figurative); 1620s (literal), from Latin evisceratus, past participle of eviscerare “to disembowel,” from ex- “out” (see ex-) + viscera “internal organs.” Sometimes used 17c. in figurative sense of “to bring out the deepest secrets of.” Related: Eviscerated; eviscerating.

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