

evoke [ih-vohk] ExamplesWord Origin verb (used with object), e·voked, e·vok·ing.

  1. to call up or produce (memories, feelings, etc.): to evoke a memory.
  2. to elicit or draw forth: His comment evoked protests from the shocked listeners.
  3. to call up; cause to appear; summon: to evoke a spirit from the dead.
  4. to produce or suggest through artistry and imagination a vivid impression of reality: a short passage that manages to evoke the smells, colors, sounds, and shapes of that metropolis.

Origin of evoke 1615–25; Latin ēvocāre, equivalent to ē- e-1 + vocāre to call (akin to vōx voice)Related formse·vok·er, nounun·e·voked, adjective Examples from the Web for evoker Historical Examples of evoker

  • The voice ceased and the evoker offered a prayer of adoration.

    Visions and Beliefs in the West of Ireland, First Series

    Lady Gregory

  • I did not, and the seeress did not, and the evoker of spirits did not and could not.

    Ideas of Good and Evil

    William Butler Yeats

  • The evoker of spirits said they must be making some kind of masonic house.

    Ideas of Good and Evil

    William Butler Yeats

  • I sat with my acquaintance in the middle of the room, and the evoker of spirits on the dais, and his wife between us and him.

    Ideas of Good and Evil

    William Butler Yeats

  • The evoker of spirits saw them too, and said that one of them held up his arms and they were without hands.

    Ideas of Good and Evil

    William Butler Yeats

  • British Dictionary definitions for evoker evoke verb (tr)

    1. to call or summon up (a memory, feeling, etc), esp from the past
    2. to call forth or provoke; produce; elicithis words evoked an angry reply
    3. to cause (spirits) to appear; conjure up

    Derived Formsevocable (ˈɛvəkəbəl), adjectiveevoker, nounWord Origin for evoke C17: from Latin ēvocāre to call forth, from vocāre to callxref See evince, invoke Word Origin and History for evoker evoke v.

    1620s, from French évoquer or directly from Latin evocare “call out, rouse, summon” (see evocation). Often more or less with a sense of “calling spirits,” or being called by them. Related: Evoked; evokes; evoking.

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