

executive [ig-zek-yuh-tiv] ExamplesWord Origin noun

  1. a person or group of persons having administrative or supervisory authority in an organization.
  2. the person or persons in whom the supreme executive power of a government is vested.
  3. the executive branch of a government.


  1. of, relating to, or suited for carrying out plans, duties, etc.: executive ability.
  2. pertaining to or charged with the execution of laws and policies or the administration of public affairs: executive appointments; executive committees.
  3. designed for, used by, or suitable for executives: an executive suite.

Origin of executive 1400–50; late Middle English Medieval Latin execūtīvus, equivalent to Latin execūt(us) (past participle of ex(s)equī; see execute) + -īvus -ive Related formsex·ec·u·tive·ly, adverbex·ec·u·tive·ness, nounnon·ex·ec·u·tive, adjective, nounpro·ex·ec·u·tive, adjectivesem·i·ex·ec·u·tive, adjective Dictionary.com Unabridged Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019 Examples from the Web for executively Historical Examples of executively

  • Executively he is responsible and he is backed by his naval associates.

    Gallipoli Diary, Volume I

    Ian Hamilton

  • When old Bulow died the business was incorporated by the heirs, and then this fellow shows up with a big say, executively.

    Fighting Byng

    A. Stone

  • Politics, to be executively right, must have a unity of means and time, and a defect in either overthrows the whole.

    The Writings of Thomas Paine, Vol. I

    Thomas Paine

  • A monarchic form may be executively more efficient than a democratic form; a despotic form may be more efficient than either.

    The Holy Earth

    L. H. Bailey

  • Nor excommunicate by sentence (but only executively agree to avoid the notoriously impenitent).

    A Christian Directory

    Baxter Richard

  • British Dictionary definitions for executively executive noun

      1. a person or group responsible for the administration of a project, activity, or business
      2. (as modifier)executive duties; an executive position
      1. the branch of government responsible for carrying out laws, decrees, etc; administration
      2. any administrationCompare judiciary, legislature


    1. having the function or purpose of carrying plans, orders, laws, etc, into practical effect
    2. of, relating to, or designed for an executivethe executive suite
    3. informal of the most expensive or exclusive typeexecutive housing; executive class

    Derived Formsexecutively, adverb Collins English Dictionary – Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012 Word Origin and History for executively executive adj.

    mid-15c., “performed, carried out;” 1640s, “of the branch of government that carries out the laws,” from Middle French executif, from Latin executivus, from past participle stem of exequi (see execution). The noun in this sense is from 1776, as a branch of government. Meaning “businessman” is 1902 in American English. Executive privilege is attested by 1805, American English.

    Online Etymology Dictionary, © 2010 Douglas Harper

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