
< /ˈfeɪ ʃəz/ for 2.

  1. a band or fillet, as for binding the hair.
  2. Also called fascia board. facia.
  3. Architecture.
    1. any relatively broad, flat, horizontal surface, as the outer edge of a cornice, a stringcourse, etc.
    2. any of a number of horizontal bands, usually three in number, each projecting beyond the one below to form the architrave in the Ionic, Corinthian, and Composite orders.
  4. Anatomy, Zoology.
    1. a band or sheath of connective tissue investing, supporting, or binding together internal organs or parts of the body.
    2. tissue of this kind.
  5. Zoology, Botany. a distinctly marked band of color.

noun plural -ciae (-ʃɪˌiː)

  1. the flat surface above a shop window
  2. architect a flat band or surface, esp a part of an architrave or cornice
  3. (ˈfæʃɪə) fibrous connective tissue occurring in sheets beneath the surface of the skin and between muscles and groups of muscles
  4. biology a distinctive band of colour, as on an insect or plant
  5. British a less common name for dashboard (def. 1)
  6. a casing that fits over a mobile phone, with spaces for the buttons

1560s, from Latin fascia “a band, bandage, swathe” (see fasces). Originally in architecture; anatomical use is from 1788.

n. pl. fas•ci•ae (făsh′ē-ē′, fā′shē-ē)

  1. A sheet or band of fibrous connective tissue enveloping, separating, or binding together muscles, organs, and other soft structures of the body.

Plural fasciae (făsh′ē-ē′, fā′shē-ē)

  1. A sheet or band of fibrous connective tissue. Fascia envelops, separates, or binds together muscles, organs, and other soft structures of the body.
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