

  1. a ring or cap, usually of metal, put around the end of a post, cane, or the like, to prevent splitting.
  2. a short metal sleeve for strengthening a tool handle at the end holding the tool.
  3. a bushing or adapter holding the end of a tube and inserted into a hole in a plate in order to make a tight fit, used in boilers, condensers, etc.
  4. a short ring for reinforcing or decreasing the interior diameter of the end of a tube.
  5. a short plumbing fitting, covered at its outer end and caulked or otherwise fixed to a branch from a pipe so that it can be removed to give access to the interior of the pipe.
  6. Angling.
    1. either of two fittings on the end of a section of a sectional fishing rod, one fitting serving as a plug and the other as a socket for fastening the sections together.
    2. one of two or more small rings spaced along the top of a casting rod to hold and guide the line.

verb (used with object), fer·ruled, fer·rul·ing.

  1. to furnish with a ferrule.


  1. a metal ring, tube, or cap placed over the end of a stick, handle, or post for added strength or stability or to increase wear
  2. a side opening in a pipe that gives access for inspection or cleaning
  3. a bush, gland, small length of tube, etc, esp one used for making a joint


  1. (tr) to equip (a stick, etc) with a ferrule

“metal cap on a rod,” 1610s, ferule, earlier verrel (early 15c.), from Old French virelle, from Latin viriola “bracelet,” diminutive of viriae “bracelets,” from a Gaulish word (cf. Old Irish fiar “bent, crooked”); spelling influenced by Latin ferrum “iron.”

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