

  1. of, relating to, or like the feudal system, or its political, military, social, and economic structure.
  2. of or relating to the Middle Ages.
  3. of, relating to, or of the nature of a fief or fee: a feudal estate.
  4. of or relating to the holding of land in a fief or fee.


  1. of, resembling, relating to, or characteristic of feudalism or its institutions
  2. of, characteristic of, or relating to a fiefCompare allodial
  3. derogatory old-fashioned, reactionary, etc


  1. of or relating to a feud or quarrel

1610s, from Medieval Latin feudalis, from feudum “feudal estate,” of Germanic origin (cf. Gothic faihu “property,” Old High German fihu “cattle;” see fee). Related to Middle English feodary “one who holds lands of an overlord in exchange for service” (late 14c.).

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