

  1. a fine, threadlike piece, as of cotton, jute, or asbestos.
  2. a slender filament: a fiber of platinum.
  3. filaments collectively.
  4. matter or material composed of filaments: a plastic fiber.
  5. something resembling a filament.
  6. an essential character, quality, or strength: people of strong moral fiber.
  7. Botany.
    1. filamentous matter from the bast tissue or other parts of plants, used for industrial purposes.
    2. a slender, threadlike root of a plant.
    3. a slender, tapered cell which, with like cells, serves to strengthen tissue.
  8. Anatomy, Zoology. a slender, threadlike element or cell, as of nerve, muscle, or connective tissue.
  9. Nutrition. Also called bulk, dietary fiber, roughage.
    1. the structural part of plants and plant products that consists of carbohydrates, as cellulose and pectin, that are wholly or partially indigestible and when eaten stimulate peristalsis in the intestine.
    2. food containing a high amount of such carbohydrates, as whole grains, fruits, and vegetables.
  10. Chemistry. vulcanized fiber.
  11. Optics. optical fiber.


  1. the usual US spelling of fibre

1530s, from French fibre (14c.), from Latin fibra “a fiber, filament,” of uncertain origin, perhaps related to Latin filum “thread,” or from root of findere “to split.” Fiberboard is from 1897; Fiberglas is 1937, U.S. registered trademark name; and fiber optics is from 1956.


  1. A slender thread or filament.
  2. Extracellular filamentous structures such as collagenic or elastic connective tissue fibers.
  3. The nerve cell axon with its glial envelope.
  4. An elongated threadlike cell, such as a muscle cell or one of the epithelial cells of the lens of the eye.
  5. Coarse, indigestible plant matter, consisting primarily of polysaccharides such as cellulose, that when eaten stimulates intestinal peristalsis.roughage

  1. The parts of grains, fruits, and vegetables that contain cellulose and are not digested by the body. Fiber helps the intestines absorb water, which increases the bulk of the stool and causes it to move more quickly through the colon.
  2. One of the elongated, thick-walled cells, often occurring in bundles, that give strength and support to tissue in vascular plants. Fibers are one type of sclerenchyma cell.
  3. Any of the elongated cells of skeletal or cardiac muscle, made up of slender threadlike structures called myofibrils.
  4. The axon of a neuron.
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