

  1. the act of fixing or the state of being fixed.
  2. Chemistry.
    1. reduction from a volatile or fluid to a stable or solid form.
    2. the process of converting atmospheric nitrogen into a useful compound, as a nitrate fertilizer.
  3. Photography. the process of rendering an image permanent by removal of light-sensitive silver halides.
  4. Psychoanalysis. a partial arrest of emotional and instinctual development at an early point in life, due to a severe traumatic experience or an overwhelming gratification.
  5. a preoccupation with one subject, issue, etc.; obsession: All her life she had a fixation on stories of violent death.


  1. the act of fixing or the state of being fixed
  2. a preoccupation or obsession
  3. psychol
    1. the act of fixating
    2. (in psychoanalytical schools) a strong attachment of a person to another person or an object in early life
  4. chem
    1. the conversion of nitrogen in the air into a compound, esp a fertilizer
    2. the conversion of a free element into one of its compounds
  5. the reduction of a substance from a volatile or fluid form to a nonvolatile or solid form

late 14c., fixacion, an alchemical word, from Medieval Latin fixationem (nominative fixatio), noun of action from past participle stem of Latin fixare, frequentative of figere “to fix” (see fix (v.)). Used in the Freudian sense since 1910.


  1. The condition of being stabilized, firmly attached, or set.
  2. The act or process of stabilizing or attaching something, especially a body part by surgery.
  3. The rapid killing and preservation of tissue elements to retain as nearly as possible the same characteristics they had in the living body.
  4. The conversion of a gas into solid or liquid form by chemical reactions.
  5. In psychoanalytic theory, a strong emotional attachment to a person or thing, especially an attachment formed in childhood or infancy and manifested in disturbed behavior that persists throughout life.
  6. The coordinated positioning and focusing of both eyes on an object.
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