

  1. like a clump or tuft of wool.
  2. covered with a soft, woolly substance.
  3. consisting of or containing loose woolly masses.
  4. flocky.
  5. Chemistry. consisting of flocs and floccules.


  1. like wool; fleecy
  2. chem aggregated in woolly cloudlike massesa flocculent precipitate
  3. biology covered with tufts or flakes of a waxy or wool-like substance

“resembling wool,” 1800, from Latin floccus “lock of hair, flock of wool” + -ulent. Related: Floculence.


  1. Having a fluffy or wooly appearance.
  2. Containing numerous shreds or fluffy particles of grayish or white mucus or other material. Used of a fluid such as urine.
  3. Of or being a fluid bacterial culture in which there are numerous colonies either floating in the fluid medium or loosely deposited at the bottom.
  4. Having a soft waxy or wool-like covering, as of certain insects.
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