

Fonseca [fon-sey-kuh; Spanish fawn-se-kah] Examples noun

  1. Gulf of, a bay of the Pacific Ocean in W Central America, bordered by El Salvador on the W, Honduras on the NE, and Nicaragua on the S. About 700 sq. mi. (1800 sq. km).

Examples from the Web for fonseca Contemporary Examples of fonseca

  • Of four feet that have been identified so far, none are thought to have involved any sort of foul play, Fonseca said.

    Canada’s Severed-Feet Mystery

    Winston Ross

    September 4, 2011

  • Historical Examples of fonseca

  • Curtain rises on second act, showing the Hotel Fonseca, at Paris.

    Punchinello, Vol. 1, No. 8, May 21, 1870


  • The quick step of Fonseca interrupted the courtier’s reverie.

    Calderon The Courtier

    Edward Bulwer-Lytton

  • The next day, at noon, Calderon visited Fonseca in his place of confinement.

    Calderon The Courtier

    Edward Bulwer-Lytton

  • She has fled to the convent to be true to Fonseca; she must fly from the convent to bless the prince.

    Calderon The Courtier

    Edward Bulwer-Lytton

  • “Certainly, señor; there will be no difficulty about that,” assented Fonseca.

    A Middy in Command

    Harry Collingwood

  • British Dictionary definitions for fonseca Fonseca noun

    1. Gulf of Fonseca an inlet of the Pacific Ocean in W Central America
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